Tuesday 30 January 2007

Late again...

One half decent training session and suddenly things are looking up. You take the next day off to recover and then head out for a steady hour's walking the day after that. Half an hour up the road... 'bang', you're exhausted and despite a mainly downhill return trip it takes 40 minutes to get home. This was me last Thursday and it underlines that full fitness is quite a way off. In fact it's not in sight yet...

I was unable to get to the Winter Walking League at Andreas on Sunday, but there were some great walks in all the age groups. Good to see my fellow blogger Dave M. pick up a win on his debut. Speed is always useful - even if we are aiming to walk 85 mles - so why not join Dave and everyone else for a 10km blast at the final round of the League at the NSC on 18th February?

Another hard effort for training yesterday (Monday). I planned a two-lap session (approx. 45 mins per lap) finishing in time to pick the boys up from school. Those who know me won't be too surprised to learn that I was a bit late starting, by which time I only had 80 minutes left to train. Rather than ammend my plan, I opted to run a downhill section of each lap. This left me with a 36 min. walking effort (mainly uphill) and a 4 minutes (downhill) run per lap. Today's tip - have a flexible approach to any planned sessions - things won't always work out as you intend.

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