Monday 15 January 2007

Clutching at fitness straws...

Well, starting to write this has spurred me into action. I've been out twice in three days. 45 minutes on Friday and 65 minutes today. In fact, if I count a ten minute run (I'm lying - it was a jog) around the fields yesterday, then I've done three days in a row. I also did 2km on a rowing machine. Bear with me - I won't carry on mentioning every bit of exercise I do between now and June - I'm just desperately clutching at fitness straws at the moment.
Of course, I should have done the Peel to Douglas really. There is no harder training than a race. Having decided not to race, I was a pleased to develop a bit of a cold over the weekend - taking away any possibility of a change of mind. I love racing and it's always hard to watch. However, even I know I need to do a bit of work before racing.
Some fine walking throughout the field and loads of walkers stating that they were doing it as part of their Parish build-up. Top marks for the dayglo kit most people wore. The traffic at Union Mills was frightening - some people would drive into the shop if they could.
Loads of junior walkers down at their Monday evening training tonight. Andi Drake, the GB National Coach for Race Walking, is on the Island this coming weekend. If you fancy some top class advice, then get down to the NSC this Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.
I think I'll have a rest-day tomorrow - don't want to risk an overuse injury.

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